Jinlong YUE, Partner (Paris, France)

  • Deal flow management and external collaboration
  • Research Engineer in MRI/Ultrasound imaging  with a primary focus on of development and clinical application of ultrasound and magnetic resonance elastography technology
  • Bachelor degree from Harbin Institute of Technology, PhD degree from Paris Sud University


 Robert Narquizian, Venture Partner (Switzerland/US)

  • Partner in Fontaine Capital, Venture partner in Cenponts 
  • Medicinal chemist by formation, >20 years in the pharmaceutical & biotech industry
  • Director of BD and Licensing of Roche,  Head of Asia Pacific Global External R&D of Lilly Shanghai
  • EMBA in London Business School, PhD in University of Glasgow, Post-doc in Harvard University 


Sophie Baratte, Venture Partner (France)

  • Partner in Fontaine Capital, Venture partner in Cenponts
  • >20 years General Management roles in Blue chip companies and in Start-ups
  • CEO of Citoxlab, Cellnovo, General Manager of IVD J&J France, Vice President North EU of Sorin Group 

  • MBA in HEC, PhD in Université de Technologie de Compiègne, Executive education in Harvard


 Eric Cohen, Venture Partner (Paris, France)

  • Venture partner in Cenponts and Agile Capital Markets
  • >20 years valuation & financial management experience in the Life Sciences industry
  • CFO of Teva Pharma France,Hybrigenics,Mauna Kea Technologies,and Acticor Biotech
  • Master degree from Dauphine University-Paris,MBA degree from London Business School

 Eric Zherui WU, Executive Director (Shenzhen, China)

  • Project evaluation and execution 
  • Research Associate Professor at the Medical School of Shenzhen University, Postdoctoral researcher at the French National Institute for Health and Medical Research 
  • Piloted projects funded by the National and provincial Science Foundation, published over twenty peer-reviewed articles with a primary focus on translational medicine 
  • Master degree of Toxicology in University of Paris V,PhD degree of Physiology, Physiopathology and Therapeutics in University of Paris VI


Rebecca WOLF, Executive Director (Berlin, Germany)

  • Project evaluation in German speaking countries
  • Close collaboration with innovative medical companies, industry experts, and investment institutions within the German-speaking region, extensive experience in cross-border financing, mergers and acquisitions, and licensing transactions
  • Bachelor degree in Chemistry from Tsinghua University, Master degree from Fordham University